Sunday, May 20, 2018

A Walk to the Top of Taum Sauk Mountain - The Highpoint of Missouri

Taum Sauk Mountain, Taum Sauk Mountain State Park, Missouri
October 14, 2016

The Mina Sauk Falls trail head starts at a graveled parking lot,
making it a short walk to the top of Taum Sauk Mountain.

The Taum Sauk Mountain highpoint is on the way to Mina Sauk Falls.

A 1,000-foot long concrete sidewalk leads you from the parking lot to the Missouri highpoint.

At the end of the sidewalk is the highest point of natural elevation in the state of Missouri.

"Climb" is not the most accurate verb describing
how you get to the top of Taum Sauk Mountain.

The highpoint of Missouri has a boulder, marble tablet,
trail register, and a bench to rest after the "climb".

In 1991 the Missouri Association of Registered Land Surveyors identified the top of Taum Sauk Mountain as the highest elevation of Missouri at 1,772.68 feet above mean sea level.

Google aerial image of the highpoint of Missouri (blue diamond) on top of Taum Sauk Mountain, showing the route of the sidewalk from the parking lot to the highpoint.

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